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We publish recurring blogs, newsletters, and in-depth analysis of our work as a fast-growing international development implementing partner that is dedicated to strengthening public institutions and civil society and amplifying the voice of all citizens for more inclusive, accountable societies.

Dominican Republic Project Summary
NGS supports USAID’s Partnerships for Democratic Development (PDD) initiative in the Dominican Republic

Uganda Project Summary
NGS staff supported USAID/Uganda through support to co-creation activities and training.

Timor-Leste Project Summary
NGS staff led a series of consultations and a workshop with USAID and the Government of Timor-Leste

Thailand Project Summary
In Thailand, NGS staff supported the co-creation workshop for a Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) evaluation under the PEARL Task

Sri Lanka Project Summary
In Sri Lanka, NGS provides ongoing monitoring and evaluation services in support of USAID/CPS/OTI programming.

Rwanda Project Summary
NGS staff participated in the 2023 Women Deliver Conference, held in Kigali, Rwanda.

Nigeria Project Summary
NGS staff led the Synthesis and Learning Workshops for the project’s Violence and Conflict Assessments

Malawi Project Summary
NGS has provided advisory services to USAID/Malawi

Lithuania Project Summary
NGS provides ongoing monitoring and evaluation services in support of USAID/CPS/OTI programming in Lithuania.

Lebanon Project Summary
NGS staff led an anticorruption assessment for the USAID/Lebanon mission.

Kosovo Project Summary
NGS was a core member of the PEARL Task Order research team that conducted a Violence and Conflict Assessment (VCA) in Kosovo.

Kenya Project Summary
NGS provides ongoing monitoring and evaluation services in support of USAID/CPS/OTI programming.

Indonesia Project Summary
NGS has conducted stakeholder consultations around more effective democracy and governance programming in Indonesia.

Guinea Project Summary
NGS has conducted stakeholder engagement consultations with civil society organizations in Guinea around the issue of local governance, and

Ecuador Project Summary
NGS provides ongoing monitoring and evaluation services in support of USAID/CPS/OTI programming.

Egypt Project Summary
In collaboration with USAID/Egypt staff in the Office of Democracy & Governance, NGS staff facilitated workshops.

Côte d’Ivoire Project Summary
NGS advances peace & stability in Côte d'Ivoire by enhancing media skills, countering extremism, and promoting social cohesion.

DRC Project Summary
NGS provided long-term elections advisory support in for the USAID/DRC mission.

Zambia Project Summary
NGS supported the Development Outreach and Communications (DOC) team in USAID/Zambia as a part of their preparations for the second Summit.

Fresh Development: Rethinking Partnerships
“Buy Local” campaigns began to support local farmers and artisans as a means to showcase local products, strengthen community, and grow...

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