Under the USAID/Ukraine State Owned Enterprise Reform Activity (SOERA), NGS plays the critical role of providing strategic communications support to promote the activity’s privatization objectives. This has included the development of a Draft Public Communications Strategy for State Owned Enterprise (SOE) Reform and Privatization, as well as the preparation of a Wartime Revision Concept Note, in response to emerging challenges resulting from the Russian invasion. NGS supported the development of a Public Perception survey on SOE Reform and Privatization, which received over 2400 responses. NGS conducted a GESI assessment of SOEs and privatization reform with the aim of increasing employment opportunities for women in SOEs, municipal-owned enterprises (MOE) and government agencies, while increasing the number of women trained to advance SOE reform and promote best practices in corporate governance. NGS carried out similar research and advisory services under the USAID/Ukraine Health Reform Support (HRS) project, exploring collaboration models that infuse GESI sensitivities in health sector activities. In addition, NGS provides ongoing monitoring and evaluation services in support of USAID/CPS/OTI programming.
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BREAKING: NGS wins 10-year SWIFT 6 Support award. Read more here.
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