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Ethiopia Project Summary

NGS has been engaged in Ethiopia since early 2021. We provided virtual support and facilitation services for a series of three week-long co-creation workshops for the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) of Ethiopia, supporting a multi-year emergency Annual Program Statement (APS) and a Resilient Food Security Activities (RFSA) request for assistance (RFA). Our team worked closely with BHA Activity Managers and the design team to further refine and prioritize objectives of the workshops to provide seamless and productive forums. NGS also led a consultative process with the much larger community of USAID personnel and Apparently Successful Applicants (ASA), using Advanced Participatory Methods (APM) to ensure that work planning was built on the interests of and led by the key stakeholders involved. We carried out this work with a geographically dispersed staff and set of stakeholders, all during a time of conflict in northern Ethiopia. With our prior success serving BHA, the USAID/Ethiopia mission re-engaged the NGS team to support the multiday CLA Platform Co-Creation Workshop in the spring of 2022. Throughout these processes, NGS managed workshop preparation, agendas, facilitation, technology, and prepared a “lessons learned” report for use by USAID as a tangible takeaway from each event. In addition, NGS provides ongoing monitoring and evaluation services in support of USAID/CPS/OTI programming.


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